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Approved minutes 3/20/2014
City of Salem Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 20, 2014

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Chairman Puleo opened the meeting at 7:06 pm. ~

Roll Call
Those present were: Chuck Puleo - Chair, Tim Ready - Vice Chair, Ben Anderson, Randy Clarke and Kirt Rieder. ~Absent: Helen Sides, Dale Yale and Bill Griset.

Also present: Dana Menon, Staff Planner, and Pamela Broderick, Planning Board Recording Clerk. ~

Approval of Minutes
March 6, 2013 Draft Meeting Minutes

  • P4 Kirt Rieder identified a slight error in his first attribution under heading “Board Discussion of the geotechnical/MCP review of the site”, first line words are transposed; “are there” should read “there are”….. “Mr. Rieder asked if there are off gases or does testing still need to be done?”
  • P6 Kirt Rieder asked to clarify his comments by striking the phrase “screen on the Goodhue Street side”. His comment should read: “Mr. Rieder followed up on the detail of street trees along the Boston Street sidewalk and thanked the design team for adding this to the renderings. He pointed out these will be young trees and will not serve as a screening device. They are a good long term investment.  He encouraged the design team to realize they are in pivotal position to bridge historical and current design and believes the metal represents a good opportunity to do so.”
No other comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. ~

Motion and Vote:~Kirt Rieder made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ben Anderson. ~The vote was unanimous with five (5) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Rieder) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Regular Agenda

Continuation of the public hearing for a petition requesting Site Plan Review and a Flood Hazard District Special Permit, for the proposed redevelopment of the former Flynntan site into a medical office building, with associated parking, landscaping, and demolition of existing buildings.

Location: ~~~~~70-92 ½ Boston St (Map 15, Lot 299; Map 16, Lot 139)

Applicant requests to continue hearing to April 3, 2014.

Mr. Puleo asked if there was a letter formally documenting the continuance request. Ms. Menon confirmed, and also advised the letter from Mr. Anderson (dated 3/20/2014) with list of questions/requests for additional information has been forwarded to the applicant.

Motion and Vote:~~Randy Clarke made a motion to continue the public hearing until Apr 3, 2014, seconded by Tim Ready. ~The vote was unanimous with five (5) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Rieder) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Old/New Business

No old business was raised for further discussion.

Planning Office has received a Chapter 91 Waterway License Report detailing a project to repair and modify the existing bulkhead at 8-10 Franklin Street is available for board member review. She will be forwarding more information regarding the project.

Mr. Ready recognized the attendance of Councilor Furey (City Council Liaison to the Planning Board and Councilor-at-Large), seated in the audience.

Mr. Ready asked if the board had received an update about any progress being made at the Council on Aging site. Members responded anecdotally:
  • Mr. Puleo understood test borings had been done last November.
  • Ms. Menon reported they are currently looking at flood elevations.
  • Mr. Clarke advised there was recent media coverage on the exploratory work being done at the site.

Motion and Vote:~~Kirt Rieder made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Randy Clarke. ~The vote was unanimous with five (5) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Rieder) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Chairman Puleo adjourned the meeting at 7:16 pm.

For actions where the decisions have not been fully written into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at:

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Broderick, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board on 4/3/2014